Pastor: Christopher Pandolfi
Thank you for visiting our web site. We have attempted to provide you with as much information about the church and our ministries as possible so that you can get to know us better..Sunday Services
10:00am Sunday School
(all ages)
11:00am Morning Worship Service
6:00pm Evening Worship Service
Gods Way Of Salvation
From the Editors Desk:
Michael and Lisa Leirer
It has been some time since our last issue and we would like to apologize for that. We are going to try to get a smaller version of the chronicle out every month and an expanded edition every third month. Please submit your articles, answered prayers, poems, or anything that the Lord puts upon you to us whenever you can, they will always be put in and I am sure will be a blessing to all.
A Note From Our Pastor
Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to us this summer. I can remember one special Wednesday when Alex and Caroline Jiminey came to see me. Caroline was ready that day to trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of her sins. After that they were both eager to follow the Lord in the water of baptism. They were baptized on Sunday Morning July 11 and I look forward to their continued growth.
I also have fond memories of Vacation Bible School. I praise the Lord for the faithfulness of John Romero and all the precious saints who donated their time to reach boys and girls with the good news about Jesus. One girl, named Amanda committed her life to Jesus Christ along with some other children. The Lord also used that week to bring Lyndon Douglous to Himself. Bob Tanner and I spent about an hour with Lyndon clarifying the gospel on one VBS morning and Lyndon responded with a sincere prayer for Jesus to forgive him and come into his life.
I am thankful to announce that Lyndon has requested to be baptized Sept. 12th, which happens to be the day after his birthday. Also a brand new Christian family has come to Calvary, who desire both baptism and membership. Don Man along with his wife Angell and two of their children would also like to be baptized on September 12. We praise the Lord for these new people who desire to grow in their relationship with the Lord.
I praise the Lord for the Calvary Baptist Church family. Some newcomers have told me that they were attracted to Calvary because of the love of Christ that they have experienced. Let us continue to exalt our Lord Jesus Christ and increase in our love for one another. The Lord is going to accomplish many wonderful things this fall. Remember that "His word does not return void (Isa. 55:11)." I believe He will bless our desire to broadcast the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for the upcoming AWANA ministry and the continued strength of our youth ministry. Pray for me as I preach on the glory of God in this church from Paul's splendid letter to the Ephesians. Together may we continue to strive together for the faith of the gospel (Phil 1:27) and "let us not grow weary while doing good, for we shall reap if we do not lose Heart."
In Jesus' name,
Pastor Chris
The Father spoke:
Come, child, let us journey together.
Where shall we go, Father?
To a distant land, another kingdom.
So the journey will be long?
Yes, we must travel every day.
When will we reach our destination?
At the end of your days.
And who will accompany us?
Joy and Sorrow.
Must Sorrow travel with us?
Yes, she is necessary to keep you close to Me.
But I want only Joy.
It s only with Sorrow that you will know true Joy.
What must I bring?
A willing heart to follow Me.
What shall I do on the journey?
There is only one thing that you must do-
Stay close to Me. Let nothing distract you.
Always keep your eyes on Me.
And what will I see?
You will see My glory.
And what will I know?
You will know My heart.
The Father stretched out His hand.
The child, knowing the great love of her Father had for her, placed her hand in His and began her journey.
Submitted by: Nancy Romaine
Back To Basics: Our Time
A Devotion From Charles Stanleys In Touch
How do you spend most of your days? Do you rush from one place to another just trying to make a deadline? Time has become a valuable commodity. But we never read in the Gospels where Jesus hurried anywhere. He was never irritated by delays or anxious over upcoming projects. He was focused and at peace.
Life was not a hassle for the Son. Jesus had a purpose and a plan, and He was certain that the Father would accomplish both through Him. Those who understand this truth experience the greatest sense of peace.
Many people spend a lifetime searching for the right thing to do with their time and talent. They pray and wait, and when the answer tarries, they become depressed. The goal God has set for our lives is this: To love Him and to serve Him above and beyond all else.
You may be a carpenter, a mechanic, a stay-at-home mom, a doctor, or a lawyer. No matter the vocation, you can be in Gods service. Dont waste time worrying if you have made the correct choice.
Ask the Lord to make His will your will and leave the details to Him. A willing heart is all He asks. If there needs to be a change in your life, He is able to do it. Take time to worship Him each day and learn to enjoy being in His presence. This is where you will find true hope and love.
Please join us for our annual Church Picnic at Cathedral Pines on September the 11th. Please bring enough food for your family and maybe a little more. There are barbecues, picnic benches and a playground for the kids. There will also be devotion so bring along your Sword (bible). Its going to be a great day of fellowship.
Starting September 10, 1999 here at Calvary Baptist Church will be the first night of a boys and girls Christian club. AWANA is an international, Bible-centered youth ministry providing local churches with weekly clubs and programs for three-year-olds through high schoolers. The goal of the club is to reach boys and girls, and their families, with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The following is a list of the different groups that make up the club.
Cubbies - Preschool boys and girls (the two years prior to regular Kindergarten)
Sparks Boys and girls in K and grades one and two
Pals Boys in grades 3 and 4
Chums Girls in grades 3 and 4
Pioneers Boys in grades 5 and 6
Guards Girls in grades 5 and 6
Jr. Varsity 7 and 8 grade Boys and Girls
Varsity 9th grade through 12th Guys and Gals
The AWANA program is centered around a weekly club night (Friday from 7:00 to 9:00pm), consisting of three parts. Game Time is packed with exciting activities that include both team and individual competition. Handbook time is a learning and training time focused on the importance of Gods word for daily living. Council Time includes group Bible study as well as awards and recognition for individual and group achievement
If you are interested in signing your child up or in helping please see either Bob Pettis or the club Secretary Lisa Leirer.
Bob Pettis will be the commander and Pastor Chris will be overlooking the entire program.
Our Missionary who has been training the teachers and assisting us in setting up the club is Ken Hoffmeyer. This man is truly a blessing to all of us who have met with him. Please keep him in prayer.
Please Keep The Following Brothers and Sisters In Prayer
The Gryzlo Family - Tony, Ann and Robbie (Health)
The Means Family Carlos and Alice (Health)
Daniel and Charlene Brown (Health)
Bob Tanner (Health)
Thomas and Lucille Leirer (Health)
The Mattia Family Sal and Anita (Strength for work)
Please Keep The Following Missionaires In Prayer
The Tibberts Family
Jews for Jesus
Ken Hoffmeyer
Gordon Loop
Submitted By: John Romero
Calvary Baptist Church held its annual Vacation Bible School from August 2nd through the 6th. Approximately 70 students were divided into five age group classes, from 3 years of age to 8th grade. The theme of the week was the different names of Jesus. The central purpose of the week was to present the gospel to the students; presenting the only way of salvation to those who have not become Christians, and seeking to strengthen the faith of those who are christians. Students had a week of fun, participating in game activities in P.E. class, learning new songs in Music class, and creating beautiful projects in Arts and Crafts class. The importance of being a good stewart of our possessions was also stressed. Each day a collection was taken for our AWANA missionary, Mr. Ken Hoffmeyer. The students were taught the importance of reaching out to others with the gospel, and that our AWANA missionary was reaching out to other children with the gospel. A total of $167.32 was collected towards this purpose. On behalf of Calvary Baptist Church, I would like to thank all of the teachers, assistants, and others who sacrificially gave of their time and effort--without YOU we could not have had a Vacation Bible School. Your reward is truly "in Heaven"!
A Special Visit From Our Missionaires
By John Romero
On Sunday August 15th Calvary Baptist Church received some very special visitors.
It was our pleasure to have, John, Marion, and Sharon Tibberts with us in the morning service.
John gave a report of his efforts from Canada, and offered to us words of encouragement.
Sharon, along with her ministry partner, Viviana, gave us a report from the mission field, working with Tribes in South America.
Our dear missionary brother Gordon Loop conducted the evening service.
Gordon, along with his wife Beth Eden and children Mikayla and Justin, were on a two-week vacation.
Gordon gave us a demonstration of how he proclaims the gospel through the Open-Air Campaigners ministry
in Boston. Gordon used a bulletin board and paint to present the gospel in such a way that grabs your
attention. He then shared with us from God's Word the importance of using our lives to reach others for Jesus Christ!
Please remember our missionary friends in your prayers!
Submitted By: Michael Nastassi Jr.
Peter and Andrew left their fishing nets; James and John left behind a prosperous fishing business and a bewildered father; Matthew a tax table; the woman at the well leaves behind her bucket; the blind man runs off and forgets the cloak in which he caught the coins of his begging; Zacchaeus left wealth and gave to the poor; Paul left prestige and honor; Lazarus left behind an empty tomb; and on it goes. "Then Jesus said to them, 'Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions' (Luke 12:15;NIV)."
Jesus has called us, so how will we respond to this call? Jesus who was rich became poor for our sake (2Cor. 8:9); who was clothed in majestic glory and splendor before the world's creation (John 17:5), came to earth humbly (Isaiah 53:2), acquainted with grief and sorrow (Isaiah 53:3-4), and did not even have a place to lay His head (Luke 9:58). He certainly left His comfort zone. Will we? The rich young ruler was owned by his possessions. He could have done much, but he had a lot going for him (Mark 10:17-22). We have money, entertainment, clubs, activities, hobbies, occupations, positions, friends, social image, families, and so on, but Jesus says to, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the Kingdom of God." (Luke 9:60).
Michael Card put to song what I'm trying to express.
"There sits Simon so foolishly wise
Proudly he's tending his nets
Then Jesus calls and the boats drift away
And all that he owns he forgets
But more than the nest he abandoned that day
He found that his pride was soon drifting away
And it's hard to imagine the freedom we find
From the things we leave behind (Matt. 4:18)
Matthew was mindful of taking the tax
And pressing the people to pay
But hearing the call he responded in faith
And followed the light and the way
And leaving the people so puzzled he found
The greed in his heart was no longer around
And it's hard to imagine the freedom we fine
From the things we leave behind (Mark 2:13)
We show a love for goods we possess
When Jesus says, lay all your treasures aside
And love God above all the rest
'Cause when we say no to the things of the world
We open our hearts to the love of the Lord
And it's hard to imagine the freedom we fine
From the things we leave behind
Every heart needs to be set free
From possessions that hold it so tight
'Cause freedom's not found in the things that we own
It's the power to do what is right
With Jesus, our only possession
Then giving becomes our delight
And we can't imagine the freedom we find
From the things we leave behind."
Jesus said, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few" (Luke 10:2). We have a responsibility and an obligation to minister to the lost and the brethren. It's not a suggestion or option, but rather mandatory. We can say we love Jesus, but we demonstrate our love for Him by being obedient to Him and His commands (John 15:9-10,14; 1John 2:3-6,15). There is always something that can be done or needs to be done. No one is excluded. In order to qualify to serve, one must be born again. A body needs every part to be working in order to function properly. -- Yours Because of Him, Mike Nastasi Jr
It was a cold winter's day that Sunday. The parking lot to the church was filling up
quickly. I noticed as I got out of my car that fellow church members were whispering among
themselves as they walked to the church. As I got closer I saw a man leaned up against the
wall outside the church. He was almost lying down as if he was asleep. He had on a long
trench coat that was almost in shreds and a hat topped his head, pulled down so you could
not see his face. He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too small for his feet with
holes all over them, his toes stuck out. I assumed this man was homeless, and asleep, so I
walked on by through the doors of the church. We all fellowshipped for a few minutes, and
someone brought up the man lying outside. People snickered and gossiped but no one
bothered to ask him to come in, including me. A few moments later church began. We all
waited for the Preacher to take his place and to give us the Word, when the doors to the
church opened. In came the homeless man walking down the aisle with his head down. People
gasped and whispered and made faces. He made his way
down the aisle and up onto the pulpit he took off his hat and coat. My heart sank. There
stood our preacher...he was the "homeless man." No one said a word. The preacher
took his Bible and laid it on the stand. "Folks, I don't think I have to tell you
what I am preaching about today."
Then he started singing the words to this song. "If I can help somebody as I pass
along. If I can cheer somebody with a word or song. If I can show somebody that he's
traveling wrong. Then my living shall not be in vain."